
Dear Target, you utter chickenshit

Daer Target,  Goodbye. We’ve been together for a long, long time. Decades, in fact. But I can’t continue to accept your bad behaviors.  You took a stand and supported the LGBTQIA+ community. Then you abandoned them. (“Scaling back” to some stores, my ass. It’s a chickenshit move.) You started to support vendors who are people of color. You emphasized hiring minorities. And then, at the first sign of trouble, you lost all of your principles and…

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Everything, everywhere, is made up.  I mean, there are things that for all practical purposes are real, but in terms of human existence and perception? Made up.  A lot of people have tried to get this idea across, in one way and another.  The meat ship.The river.The Ship of Theseus.The sound of one hand clapping. The White King’s dream. The Simulation.  At the moment, I’m far less interested in the truth of this, than I am in…

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